I worked with an Instruction and Academic Engagement Librarian as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). With his help, I completed the following steps:
A draft of the instructional problem and an outline of the content for the e-learning module was created. The SME reviewed the outline and added information, including teaching me more about what was possible with the library's search system.
I created a voiceover script that would accompany the appropriate slides within the e-learning module. This would be one of the ways information was presented. I recorded the voiceover using Adobe Audition.
Since the e-learning module would include the immersive technique of simulated library research, a storyboard was created and useful for planning out how the e-learning module would be developed.
Using Adobe Color's online tools, a color palette was created for use in the e-learning module. The colors were checked for accessibility for color blind learners. Some colors were also used consistently as indicators within the e-learning module, such as blue to indicate an area of interactivity (e.g.- a button) or instructions about interactivity.
A photographer was used to take some images of the college campus and within the library. Initially, the campus images were going to be used as a 360-degree panorama to simulate a learning community. The results of the experiment did not come out as well as imagined, so a 360-degree learning community was created in Cinema 4D. Images of parts of the library were used in the module, such as books on a shelf. A hotspot was created for some of the books so that a learner could click on the book and find out more about it during the simulated library research.
Using Articulate Storyline, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Cinema 4D, a functional, interactive prototype was created. A volunteer tested the prototype repeatedly and changes were made when necessary or appropriate. The SME reviewed the prototype to ensure it would be useful for his purposes.
This 3D representation of the learning community was created in Cinema 4D.
Hotspots were added at the different houses to make them selectable for exploration.
For example, if a student chose the "Writing" house, they would then be taken to the Writing section of the e-learning module. This allowed for non-linear exploration in alignment with the Learning Through Exploration design.
A view of the Periodicals section of the library research simulation.
Students may click on hotspots in the image to explore those areas, or use the icons in the navigation banner at the bottom to move to other sections of the library.
A view of the user interface of the e-learning module.
Clickable areas are indicated by the blue color. The three categories are links to subsections of Books in the library. The blue link at the bottom triggers a pop-up window with more information.
The fully-developed version of the e-learning module was implemented on the Saint Norbert College Moodle LMS. After appropriate approval with the Institutional Research Boards (IRB) at both WGU and SNC, research participants were recruited to test the e-learning module and give their feedback.
The fully-developed version of the e-learning module was implemented on the Saint Norbert College Moodle LMS. After appropriate approval with the Institutional Research Boards (IRB) at both WGU and SNC, research participants were recruited to test the e-learning module and give their feedback.
Some of the encouraging feedback regarding the immersive technique of simulated library research included a high-level of reported engagement with the instruction and a majority approval of the technique as an interesting way to demonstrate research.
An open-ended question at the end allowed students to give their own comments regarding the simulated research process. Here are some of their comments:
Let's start a discussion!