Truth For The World
Bible College

Building and Administering an Online College
The Problem
Bible coursework was being offered through other venues and means, but they had some disadvantages.
  • Courses were offered synchronously, so people in other countries were required to log in at odd times, whether the middle of the day or the middle of the night.
  • Since courses were offered synchronously, teachers had to be recruited for every semester.
  • Some teachers taught the same courses repeatedly, and since they were synchronous, they gave the same lectures over and over again.
  • All classes were recorded on video. This meant that students who could have watched the same lecture on a video from two years ago at their own convenience, were forced to login on a synchronous schedule to listen to the same lecture live.
  • Due to the synchronous schedule, students were limited to one class meeting scheduled per week.
  • Most teachers were not utilizing on-screen visuals. Therefore, the video portion of the class gave no relevant information.
The Solution
Truth For The World decided to launch its own online Bible College. The advanages of this college would be:
  • Asynchronous: Students can learn when it is convenient for them. All courses are available online 24/7.
  • Unrestricted Number of Class Sessions: Students can take as many class sessions and courses as they can fit into their available time.
  • No Recurring Teacher Recruitment: Once the courses are created, they are complete. They can sit on the college and be available without the need to constantly recruit teachers.
  • Multimedia and Interactive: The class session modules will be rich with multimedia and interactive, and students will not just listen to a talking head lecture for an hour.  They will be able to see images, listen to sounds, watch video clips, hyperlink to websites, hover their mouse over words for definitions, etc. This rich material will further enhance their understanding and enjoyment of the lessons. The interactivity can test their skills and/ or knowledge with questions or activities.  It can also allow the learning to be self-directed, as students can pursue paths such as hyperlinking to more information to read more about topics they understand less, or skip the hyperlinks and breeze faster through material they understand more.
Responsibilities and Tools Used
  • Responsibilities: Collaborate on curriculum design, collaborate on instructional course design, create the college interface and structure, develop the individual courses, and administer the LMS.
  • Tools Used: Adobe Captivate, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Audition, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Moodle LMS.
The Process
I collaborated on the curriculum design. The structure is modeled after a tree. There is one fundamental course that all students should know. This was labeled as a Roots course. Then, there are several topics with which people should be grounded to give a solid foundation. These courses were labeled as Trunk courses. Finally, the ability for learning could branch out in numerous directions for further learning. These courses are labeled as Branches.
Curriculum Designer

Bible College curriculum structure
I collaborated on the course design for all the courses. The online college currently hosts over 40 courses.
Course Designer

Bible College available courses
Using the Moodle LMS, I constructed the course categories and the individual courses. Each course has content, whether it be text, video, audio, etc., and also includes assessments, and a certificate of completion customised with the learner's name and the name of the course completed.
College Builder

Bible College sample certificate
Using the Moodle LMS, I also function as the LMS administrator. I try to fix problems that arise, such as a student having trouble enrolling in a class. I also monitor the analytics and pull data for the organization's reports.
LMS Administrator

Bible College administration view

You can view the Truth For The World Bible College by going to

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