Basics of Broadcast Newswriting

E-Learning Module for College Course
The Problem
A college-level Writing for Media course needed a way to give instruction outside the scheduled course meetings to prepare students for multiple upcoming writing assignments. Students needed to be introduced to the basics of broadcast newswriting (radio and TV) outside of class so that more class time could be devoted to writing activities.
The Solution
An e-learning module exported as a SCORM module and hosted on the college LMS will allow the students to receive instruction outside of the normally-scheduled classroom time.
Responsiblities and Tools Used
  • Responsibilities: Instructor, Subject-Matter-Expert, Instructional Designer, and E-Learning Developer
  • Tools Used: Articulate Rise and Canvas LMS
This e-learning module not only offers instruction to the student about broadcast newswriting, but also offers them examples to see and hear. These include different types of written news lead examples, a sample radio news script written out with an included audio clip from an interview, and a video of a TV news package.
E-Learning Module
Designer and Developer
E-learning module radio news story screenshot